When applying for SSD, the application will include a question asking when the disability began. This “alleged onset date” or “disability onset date” is important because it helps determine whether the application will be approved and may influence how much disability back pay an applicant is entitled to receive. However, what an applicant considers the alleged onset date may differ from what the Social Security Administrations decides is the real disability onset date. For example, if someone is applying for SSD because of a severe illness, the SSA does not want the date the illness was initially diagnosed by a physician. Instead, the SSA considers the disability onset date as the date on which the illness prevented the applicant from working any longer.
What Factors Impact SSD Decisions Regarding Alleged Onset Date?
The date on which an applicant was no longer able to earn $1180 per month (current SSA income limits) is the alleged onset date. However, if an applicant continued working while suffering an illness or medical condition and earned at least $1180 in one month, the SSA may conclude that applicant is not disabled.
The disability onset date for a traumatic disability is the date the injury occurred. With traumatic disabilities, the Social Security Administration assumes the applicant will be unable to work continuously for one year or more.
Why is the Alleged Onset Date So Important?
If the SSA suspects an applicant is not being truthful about the disability onset date, they could delay or permanently deny their application for benefits. In addition, approval for SSDI means applicants are entitled to retroactive benefits. A lump sum retroactive benefit may amount up to 12 months’ worth of benefits if the SSA determines the claimant was indeed disabled for that time. Putting down an incorrect disability onset date could result in an applicant losing thousands of dollars they are rightfully entitled to receive.
Are Most Initial SSD Decisions Denials?
Disability attorneys deal with resubmitting SSA denials every day primarily because the person provided inaccurate information to the SSA about their onset date, medical condition severity and ability to perform work tasks. Don’t take the chance of waiting months for benefits approval. Call the Decker Law Office today for legal assistance with your disability benefits application.