SAFE House is a haven for people suffering from domestic violence. They provide support and guidance to those going through a difficult time, which is why Decker Law Office wanted to get involved. They’re making a charity donation to the organization so they can continue their efforts for the benefit of the whole community. Find out more about this adult house, and why they deserve the attention.
What Is Domestic Violence Support?
SAFE House is more than just a homeless child shelter. It’s a resource for everyone in the neighborhood who may be suffering. They take in everyone regardless of gender, age, or sexual orientation. They’ve opened up their doors to all because domestic violence is a problem that affects everyone. Giving the powerless a voice and providing the homeless adult support can only strengthen us all. They shun shame and promote change.
How Does SAFE House Work?
There are a total of 85 beds in the facility for families and individuals. Their kitchen serves more than 30,000 meals a year and provides healthy snacks for residents every single day. While staying under their roof, residents receive free room and board and access to a wide range of therapeutic services. From job training to parenting classes, this organization gives their residents the tools they need to live free from domestic violence and fear.
Permanent Housing
SAFE House ultimately wants its residents to find permanent housing and a safe environment. They show people how they can build better relationships and establish healthier boundaries. The staff is devoted to building self-esteem and preventing domestic violence before it starts. In addition, this domestic violence survivors shelter also has a two-year program to help people transition from their old environment into a new one. Aptly named Rapid Re-Housing, this feature helps survivors meet their long-term housing goals.
A Pledge from Decker Law Office
Benjamin Decker is the founder of Decker Griffel Law Office and a source of strength for the community. His practice has been helping the injured and disabled throughout the state of New Mexico for many years. He knows what it means to care for people in a tough spot (the same way SAFE House does). He knows what it means to empower those who need it the most, which is why he supports people who share his mission.